How Much Does Cord Blood Banking Cost and Is It Worth the Investment?

As an expectant parent, you’re faced with countless decisions, from choosing the right crib to deciding whether to bank your baby’s cord blood. One of the most common questions parents ask is, How much does cord blood banking cost, and more importantly, is it worth the investment?

Cord blood banking can be a significant financial commitment, but the potential health benefits for your child and family are equally valuable. In this article, we’ll break down the costs of cord blood banking in India, discuss the value it offers, and explain why thousands of parents are choosing trusted providers like Lifecell to secure their baby’s health.

What Is Cord Blood Banking?

Cord blood banking involves collecting and preserving the blood from a newborn’s umbilical cord, which is rich in stem cells. These stem cells can be used to treat over 80 medical conditions, including blood cancers like leukemia, genetic diseases, immune system disorders, and more.

The stored stem cells can potentially be used in the future for treatments or stem cell transplants for the child, and in many cases, for siblings or other family members as well. The decision to bank cord blood could be life-saving, but it’s essential to weigh the cost against the benefits.

How Much Does Cord Blood Banking Cost in India?

The cost of cord blood banking in India can vary depending on the bank you choose, the services provided, and the storage period. Typically, there are two main costs involved:

  1. Initial Collection and Processing Fee: This covers the cost of collecting the cord blood at birth, processing it, and preparing it for storage. The initial collection and processing fee in India generally ranges between ₹50,000 to ₹75,000.

  2. Annual or One-Time Storage Fee: After the cord blood is processed, it must be stored cryogenically in specialized storage facilities. Many banks offer two payment options:

  • Annual Storage Fee: This can range from ₹4,000 to ₹8,000 per year.

  • One-Time Lifetime Storage Fee: Many parents opt for a one-time payment for lifetime storage, which typically costs around ₹1,00,000 to ₹1,50,000.

Factors Affecting Cord Blood Banking Costs

Several factors can affect the overall cost of cord blood banking:

  • Payment Plan: Some banks offer no-cost EMI options or flexible payment plans to make the cost more affordable.

  • Dual-Site Storage: If a bank offers dual-site storage, where your baby’s stem cells are stored in two separate locations for extra safety, this may slightly increase the cost.

  • Additional Services: Some stem cell banks, like Lifecell, offer value-added services like the ability to bank umbilical cord tissue or a family protection plan that extends the benefits of stem cell banking to siblings and parents.

Is Cord Blood Banking Worth the Investment?

The potential benefits of cord blood banking are significant, but is it worth the cost? Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Medical Benefits

The most compelling reason to invest in cord blood banking is its ability to treat serious medical conditions. The stem cells found in cord blood have been used to treat over 80 diseases, including leukemia, thalassemia, and sickle cell anemia.

Additionally, ongoing research suggests that cord blood stem cells may play a vital role in treating future diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cerebral palsy, and neurological disorders.

2. Family-Wide Benefits

Many parents are drawn to cord blood banking because the stored stem cells can be used not only for the child but also for family members, particularly siblings. Stem cell transplants require a close genetic match, and siblings have a 25% chance of being a perfect match. This increases the likelihood that the stored cord blood could be used to treat a sibling’s condition, making it a family-wide investment in health.

3. Lifelong Security

The cells collected at birth remain viable for decades, meaning that your family has a long-term resource for health treatments. Given the rapid advancements in stem cell research, the potential uses of these cells could expand significantly over the years, making cord blood banking an even more valuable investment.

Why Lifecell?

If you’re considering cord blood banking, it’s crucial to choose a provider with a solid reputation and advanced facilities. Lifecell, India’s largest and most trusted stem cell bank, offers a range of services that make it a top choice for parents.

1. Comprehensive Services

Lifecell offers stem cell banking, ensuring that you have access to a wide range of stem cell types. They also provide the option to bank mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from the umbilical cord tissue, which have different applications from the stem cells found in cord blood.

2. Dual-Site Storage

One of the standout features of Lifecell is its dual-site storage. Your baby’s stem cells are stored in two geographically distinct locations, providing extra security and reducing the risk of accidental loss or damage.

3. Family Protection Plan

Lifecell’s Family Protection Plan extends the benefits of cord blood banking to other family members, allowing the stored stem cells to be used by siblings, parents, or even grandparents if necessary.

4. Affordable Payment Options

Despite its premium services, Lifecell offers flexible payment options, including no-cost EMI plans and discounts for lifetime storage, making it one of the most accessible stem cell banking options in India.


Cord blood banking may seem like a significant financial commitment, but when you consider the potential health benefits it offers to your child and family, it’s an investment worth serious consideration. With the ability to treat a wide range of medical conditions and the potential to save lives, cord blood is a valuable asset.

Choosing a trusted provider like Lifecell ensures that your baby’s stem cells are stored safely and securely, with flexible pricing plans that make the service affordable for many families. Ultimately, cord blood banking is more than just an expense—it’s an investment in your family’s future health.

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